[04.2015] POLSHIFT conference
POLSHIFT conference was held at the Marine Research Institute on the
14-15th April 2015. The conference’s objective was to prepare future
collaborations for examining the impact of global climate change on
North Atlantic species distributions. Cecilia Kvaavik gave a talk
entitled “Assessment of diet and feeding preference of mackerel
(Scomber scombrus) offshore and inshore in Icelandic waters” which
presented data from a visual dietary study of mackerel from 2013-2014.
This presentation, along with further information on the conference can
be found here
Teresa awarded grant
to Teresa who was awarded a grant from the Eimskip University Fund
(Háskólasjóðs H/f Eimskipafélags Íslands) to finish her PhD on the
ecology of krill in Icelandic waters.
In service of our sea swimmers
output of our operational ocean model with improved spatial and
temporal resolution is now availabe at http://www.sjospa.is/code09232.
Information is available at the regional level, and in addition to the
traditional hydrographic parameters the charts include regional
estimates of wave height, plankton density and weather conditions.
Ásthildur awarded grant
to Ásthildur who was awarded an academic book grant from HÍ to support her MSc on
the ectoparasitic copepod (Sebastes
Heather successfully defends PhD
to Heather who successfully defended her PhD entitled
"Using biology to improve the value of the Icelandic lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery". We
wish you all the best for the future Heather!
Welcome to Sophia
Wassermann joins MARICE on a Fullbright scholarship for 9 months.
She'll be working on elucidating the influence of temperature and other
factors on the vertical distribution of capelin during their spawning
migration and the interaction with and consequences for the cod stock.
Pleased to have you with us Sophia!
NorMER annual meeting 2014
held its annual meeting in Copenhagen this year. Jed, Hlynur and Will
all atended the meeting and presented updates on their work to the
NorMER community and affiliates. And also participated in a Young
Researchers workshop, a Climate Change workshop and an intensive
time-series analysis course.
Viðar graduates!
to Viðar who successfully defended his MSc thesis "Energy dynamics and
recruitment of Icelandic capelin". Good luck with your further studies
European Marine Biology Symposium 2014
McGinty and Will Butler both attending the 49th European Marine Biology
Symposium in St Petersburg. Niall presented a talk on "Biophysical
coupling of Chl-a and environmental drivers using reconstructed
satellite data fields: the potential for fisheries indices uses in
higher latitude waters", and Will presented a talk entitled "Comparing
rule-based and optimal behavioural strategies in larval fish models"
American Fisheries Society 2014
members Jed Macdonald and Fraser Cameron attended the 144th American
Fisheries Society meeting. Fraser presented a poster entitled "Cod
Lunacy, Hormonal Identification of spawning rhythms in Atlantic cod",
whilst Jed gave a talk "Do environmental factors guide selection of
overwintering locations in Atlantic herring when learning opportunities
are few".
Anthony graduates!
to Anthony who successfully defended his PhD thesis "Anthropogenic and
environmental impacts on the abundance and distribution of commercial
fish stocks of Lake Victoria". We wish you all the best in your new job
and hope to see you again in the future!